Book Soup: A Literary spot on Sunset Strip

Book Soup in West Hollywood

Book Soup in West Hollywood

Many indie bookstores have come and gone, but Book Soup has held on to its spot on the Sunset Strip since 1975. This West Hollywood bookstore’s a popular place for local literary types, with a big magazine rack out front, floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and readings scheduled most days of the week.

The space isn’t small, per se, but it’s a tad crowded because so many bookshelves are packed in there. Authors giving readings are placed in the corner of the store, with the audience sitting in a T formation along the north and west walls — or standing in the back, if there’s a good turnout. It makes for a cozy atmosphere!

Here’s Wendy C. Ortiz (Excavation) and Leigh Stein, at Leigh’s reading for Land of Enchantment earlier this month.

Wendy C. Ortiz and Leigh stein at Book Soup in West Hollywood

Post-reading, there are dozens of bars in walking distance to continue the conversation. Just remember to feed your parking meter!

Sign up for Book Soup’s email list to hear about future events. If you’ve got a KCRW fringe benefits card, you can get 10% off your book purchases!

Book Soup in West Hollywood

Book Soup. 8818 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood. 310.659.3110.

Jim Krusoe’s workshop: Legendary (and affordable!) westside creative writing class


Love the structure of a writing workshop, but can’t afford or commit to a $500 UCLA Extension class — let alone an MFA program? If you’re in the LA area, consider yourself lucky. As a resident you can take legendary creative writing teacher Jim Krusoe’s 16-week workshop at Santa Monica College for less than $200.

Jim’s a well-known name in the LA literary community. Not only did he found SMC’s literary journal Santa Monica Review (which published some of Aimee Bender’s earliest work), Jim writes novels (The Sleep Garden, Girl Factory, Toward You), reviews books for the New York Times, and teaches in the graduate writing program at Antioch University. Of course, getting into his workshops there means entering an MFA program.

In contrast, Jim’s SMC classes — voted Best Writing Class by LA Weekly in 2012 — are open to all, at least until they fill up. Fall classes begin August 29, and Jim’s teaching two classes, beginning fiction workshop on Mondays, and advanced one on Thursdays. Both meet from 6:45 to 9:50 pm on SMC’s main campus.

Signing up is a tad complicated. You first need to register as an SMC student to get a student ID number, then use that number to log on to SMC’s enrollment system called Corsair Connect. Once you’re logged in, you can add the classes (beginner is Eng 30A, section 4182, advanced is Eng 30B, 4185). The beginning class is a prerequisite for the advanced class, though you can get a waiver into the advanced by contacting the English department chair.

SMC does also offer creative writing workshops from other instructors; I’m just less familiar with their work. Enjoy the class and happy writing —

Jim Krusoe’s writing workshops at Santa Monica College. 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica. 310.434.4000.

Roar Shack: A Monthly Echo Park reading series with music and a Livewrite

Roar Shack reading series at 826LA in Los Angeles

If you like your literary readings punched up with a musical interlude and a little healthy writing competition, come to the next Roar Shack reading.

Roar Shack reading series at 826LA in Los Angeles

Conceived by handful of friends four years ago, Roar Shack today is organized and hosted by local writer David Rocklin (below; The Luminist), who sometimes even brings along cookies and wine. These monthly readings in Echo Park will introduce you to new writers, make you feel part of a bigger literary community, and maybe even give you a chance to read your own work!

David Rocklin hosts Roar Shack reading series at 826LA in Los Angeles

Your first time at Roar Shack might feel a bit disorienting — because when you get to the address, you’ll actually find yourself at The Echo Park Time Travel Mart — a curious little store that sells fun oddities like Golden Horde Powdered Horse Milk. If you stand around looking lost, the nice guy at the counter will ask if you’re here for the reading, and point you through the black double doors in the back.

Go through those, and you’ll find yourself in — a classroom. These are the headquarters of 826 LA, a nonprofit dedicated to helping young people write. But those kids won’t be there on Roar Shack day! Instead, you’ll find yourself among a few dozen local readers and writers, chatting, looking around, or just sitting at their desks as if waiting for class to start.

Seriously, the fluorescent light classroom setting does lack a little ambiance, but don’t let that put you off! Just use filters if you happen to take selfies.

There’ll be little notecards on your table. If you feel so moved, take one and write a random writing prompt on it. Really, any sentence or phrase — or even just a word — will do. David will come around to collect these then select one for the Live Write. Introduce yourself to him then! Tell him you found Roar Shack through me.

A few minutes after 4 pm, David will take the mic and introduce the first of an eclectic handful of readers — who’ll do everything from give rousing poetry slam performances to shyly read quiet personal essays off their phones. Here’s my friend Lauren Eggert-Crowe, reading her poetry at the August event.

Lauren Eggert-Crowe reads at Roar Shack reading series at 826LA in Los Angeles

In the middle of these short readings, the Live Write happens. David will ask for two volunteers to write on the chosen prompt during the 10-minute musical performance. Afterwards, the volunteers will read their impromptu pieces, the audience will vote on whose they liked better, then the winner will be invited to read at the next Roar Shack.

Want to read at a future event? Simply email David at with a writing sample to be considered. Or just show up and win the Live Write!

And regardless — come to the next Roar Shack, happening September 11. Yours truly will be reading, along with Natashia Deon (Grace), Toni Ann Johnson (Remedy for a Broken Angel), Seth Fischer, and poet Rich Ferguson. See you there!

Roar Shack reading series. Second Sunday of every month, 4 pm – 5:30 pm. 826 LA, 1714 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles.



5 must-read self-help books for writers that aren’t about writing

There are hundreds of books out there about improving your writing — but if you’re like me, the challenge comes a little before that, in getting yourself to write in the first place. It is strange: Why do I so often resist doing that which I say I really want more time to do?

I have friends who marvel at the fact that I read 100+ books each year, but the main reason I read so much is because it’s my favorite “productive” way of procrastinating on writing. In fact, I read a lot of self-help books, which I used to be kind of embarrassed about but have now just learned to embrace by calling them personal development books.

Here are five fantastic personal development books that are NOT directly about writing — but that nonetheless got me to write more, edit more, submit more, and just generally do more of the writerly things I really do want to do:

creative habit1. The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp.

The title kind of reveals why this book might be relevant to creative writers. Twyla Tharp, dancer and choreographer extraordinaire, argues in this book that creative success comes less out of innate ability than out of hard, consistent work. And in order to do that work, you must set up firm habits — the kind of habits you don’t think about or deviate from.

For example, after a meal, I don’t have a big debate with myself about whether or not I’m going to brush my teeth. I just do it out of habit. The same thing needs to be true about my writing habit. It needs to be something I just go and do every day because that’s just what I always do at that time. If I have to have a big internal debate with myself and “convince” myself to sit down and write every day, it’s much less likely that the writing will happen.

rejection proof
2. Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection by Jia Jing.

I picked up this book after hearing Jia’s interview on The Portfolio Life — and loved it. Basically, this guy decided to get over his fears of rejection by devising creative ways to get rejected (e.g. asking a stranger for $100, asking a Dunkin’ Donuts employee to make him donuts in the shape of Olympic rings — here’s the full list, along with YouTube videos). As strange as his asks were, he pretty quickly started getting a lot of yeses!

In the process, he learned a lot about rejection — and about how to increase the chances of not getting rejected too. The book’s a hilarious and inspiring read. It taught me about how to reduce, manage, and deal with the many inevitable rejections I get as a writer — and it actually encouraged me to live more courageously in general.

The One Thing3. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan .

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all you feel you need to do to be a writer — and feel that the only way to be a successful writer is to pile more and more on, this book will give you some relief. The authors argue that the key to success isn’t simply squeezing more things onto your to-do list. In fact, they argue the opposite — that you need to pare things down and focus on just ONE thing.

The question to ask yourself is this: What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? (Hint: If you’re a writer, this one thing would be writing) Sound too simple to be helpful? Read the book — It’s pretty convincing. It gave me a lot of clarity and focus I sorely needed.

lifelong activist4. The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World without Losing Your Way by Hillary Rettig.

This one is a really great time management book disguised as an inspirational book. Hillary’s main argument is that lots of activists burn out and quit doing activist work, primarily due to overwhelm, fear, and, most of all, bad time management skills. Thus, the book is dedicated to helping activists learn to properly manage time, combat procrastination, and address feelings of fear and overwhelm.

If it helps, imagine the title is “The Lifelong Writer,” and while reading, replace the word “activism” with writing. I especially found her advice about ending procrastination helpful. According to her, I should “approach my work with a light touch” so it feels “safe, easy, and fun.” She has a lot of great tips for overcoming psychological hurdles.

you are a badass5. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero.

I picked up this book because Jen and I share the same agent — and I’m glad I did. Not sure yet you have what it takes to pursue your writerly dreams? This book will teach you otherwise — and give you some tools to pursue those dreams too.

It’s a nice mix of law of attraction stuff tied to hard work and action-taking — with a good dose of humor. This book encouraged me to take more risks — to just go for things. I get her occasional emails now and they’re like a pop of motivation in my inbox every time.

Have you read any of these books yourself? Have more to add to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Five Firsts: Edan Lepucki on giving up and getting lucky

Edan Lepucki

Every month, I interview an author I admire on her literary firsts.

Edan LepuckiAugust’s featured author is Edan Lepucki, author of New York Times bestseller California, her first novel, as well as the novella If You’re Not Yet Like Me. She’s also a staff writer for The Millions and the founder and co-director of  Writing Workshops Los Angeles.

In this interview Edan talks about her tough decision to give up on publishing the novel she wrote before California — as well as her unexpected rise to fame — and bestseller lists — via The Colbert Report.

Sign up with your email in the right sidebar to get notified of future interviews — and to be entered to win a copy of Edan’s novel!

Siel: Your dystopian novel California depicts a dark, grim future Los Angeles. The image of the fountain at The Grove, turned “sludgy with poison” especially comes to mind. Does L.A. appear differently in your mind’s eye now, post-book? Also, was it strange doing a reading for California at the at The Grove’s Barnes & Noble?

I have always thought L.A.–and California in general–emitted a post-apocalyptic vibe. It’s so beautiful and sinister at once, and you can see why so many end-of-the-world narratives take place here. The freeways! The earthquakes! The bougainvillea! LA hasn’t changed for me since writing the book; it’s just as magical and weird and frustrating as ever. I destroyed so much of the city while writing California, that I suppose I’m just glad that was fiction and the place still exists!

As for doing my reading at Barnes & Noble: that was amazing! To read at The Grove…the height of absurdity and achievement, right?!  I read the opening scene there, just so I could narrate how terrible the mall was, while performing at the mall. It was fun, and the people who work at that store were, I should say, good sports about it all.

Edan Lepucki CaliforniaYou’ve said you didn’t expect California to become a bestseller — but that it became one, partly because Stephen Colbert featured your book on his show twice during the whole Hachette vs. Amazon kerfuffle. Should other authors get so lucky, what advice would you give writers for making the most of an unexpected opportunity?

My experience was so strange and unexpected, and exceptional–I mean, the luck involved was just out of this world!  In her book Still Writing, Dani Shapiro talks about how some books are just successful in this inexplicable way; I believe (if memory serves me well), that she refers to it as the books that get dusted with some magical fairy dust.

So…if your book gets the magical fairy dusting, I’d say: be open to every opportunity. Go do the readings, the email Q&As, the phone interviews, answer the fan emails, write the personal essays. Say yes because you want to make the most of your very lucky and miraculous situation.

Also, and this goes for any publication, no matter what happens: Enjoy yourself! Let yourself marvel at your achievement. You did it!

Lastly, never ever read the 1 and 2 star reader reviews of your book. NEVER.

At a reading, I remember you mentioning a novel you’d written before California — that never got published. Could you talk a bit about what you went through there? How did you know when to let it go and focus on new work?

My first, unpublished, novel was called The Book of Deeds. I started it right after graduate school and worked on it for 3 or 4 years. When I was finished, my agent at the time read half of it, said it would never sell, and broke up with me. It was pretty tragic, but I was so happy to get a new agent a few months later (through a friend’s referral). I revised the book for her, and it went out–but no one bought it. After about 9 months, we decided to stop trying, since I was writing California and we both felt it was a better book, and also more commercial.

The first book was about violent teenage girls–and it just wasn’t totally working. It wasn’t ready, I wasn’t ready. That said, I feel a little tug of pain each time a book about violent teenage girls comes out and everyone loves it. I was ahead of my time!

I started writing California right after my first agent dumped me. I needed to fall into a new project, even as I tried to get new representation for the old project. Writing California saved me–it kept me feeling sane, and alive, and itwhole life wasn’t about this unpublishable novel.

Since you’re the founder of Writing Workshops Los Angeles, which gives writers a place to get feedback and advice, I’m curious about the support you seek out for yourself now, at this stage in your writing career. At what stage in your writing process do you share your work — with friends, fellow writers, mentors, editors, or agents?

At this stage I have a few trusted readers. My husband Patrick has been my first and last reader for a long time now–he can help me work through ideas and plot points early on, and he reads my manuscripts before I send them onto my agent and/or editor. I also have been working with a writing group for the last three years. They’ve read parts of Woman No. 17 (forthcoming spring 2017!) since day 1.  We all read each other’s work beforehand, but our discussions are more casual than a workshop might be. They’ve helped me by asking questions about character and theme as I moved forward.

I also have a couple friends from graduate school that read my work every now and again–my friend Madeline McDonnell is a line-edit genius and has a really keen sense of scene that I appreciate. As I move forward in my career, I see that I’m depending more and more on comments from my editors. With both books, their feedback has been instrumental in revision.

If you were to go through the entire first book process again, from acceptance to publication, is there anything you might do differently?

I don’t think so. It was hard to face all the rejection with Book of Deeds, but I’m glad it happened because I ended up publishing a better first book–and a fairy-dusted one at that. And I worked very hard to enjoy the ride, even when it got intense!  And I kept writing. That’s what is important, right?


Purchase a copy of California now, or enter to win one by signing up for my newsletter to the right. Already signed up? Then you’re already entered!

The Edison Book Club: Bittersweet cocktails over Sweetbitter

Sweetbitter at The Edison Book Club

Sweetbitter at The Edison Book Club

An intimate chat about a fantastic book over specialty drinks in a speakeasy-style bar — with a chance to talk to the author herself about her book. If that description appeals to you, come to a meeting of The Edison Book Club.

The Edison

Last night was the very first book club meeting, featuring Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler. About fifteen readers (mostly women), pink books in tow, gathered in the basement of The Edison and discussed literature over pretty cocktails. The bar concocted two specifically for the occasion: Bittersweet (fernet branca, kumquat, lemon, salted caramel syrup) and Shift Drink (peroni with a shot of fernet branca).

Stephanie Danler at The Edison Book Club in Los Angeles

Then about an hour in, Stephanie dropped in, gave a short reading, then answered a bunch of questions — ranging from which character she most relates to (Simone more than Tess) to what restaurants she recommends in L.A. (Mapo Galbi is one).

Stephanie said the book really came to her when she got the first sentence: “You will develop a palate.” Because that’s exactly what the 22-year-old narrator does in the novel — develop a palate for “intimacy, relationships, drugs, lust, burgundy, oysters,” Stephanie explained.

The book club is a brand new initiative of literary nonprofit PEN Center USA. Agatha French, a member of PEN, led the discussion.


Join the club simply by RSVPing to the events — and you can get a 15% discount on the current book club title at Skylight Books. The next book club meeting will probably happen in October, according to Libby Flores at Pen Center USA — though the next book hasn’t been picked out yet. Stay in the loop by checking The Edison Book Club website or emailing Libby at to get on the invite list.

* Last updated 2/27/17

First and third photos by Libby Flores