Bindercon community panel at UCLA, March 19

Thanks to everyone who came to our Bindercon LA panel, How to Build a Writing Community!

From left to right: Lauren Eggert-Crowe, Neelanjana Banerjee, Siel Ju, Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo, Michelle Franke at Bindercon LA, UCLA, Los Angeles on March 19, 2016
From left to right: Lauren Eggert-Crowe, Neelanjana Banerjee, Siel Ju, Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo, Michelle Franke at Bindercon LA, UCLA, Los Angeles on March 19, 2016

And thank you to my fellow panelists — Michelle Franke of The Rattling Wall and Pen Center USA, Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo of Women Who Submit, Neelanjana Banerjee of Kaya Press, and poet Lauren Eggert-Crowe — for sharing valuable tips and tools and for acting as community-builders in the Los Angeles literary community.

From left to right: Siel Ju, Michelle Franke, Neelanjana Banerjee, Lauren Eggert-Crowe, Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo at Bindercon LA, UCLA, Los Angeles on March 19, 2016
From left to right: Siel Ju, Michelle Franke, Neelanjana Banerjee, Lauren Eggert-Crowe, Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo at Bindercon LA, UCLA, Los Angeles on March 19, 2016

The entire two-day event was fun and practical and aspirational and motivational. I especially got a lot out of Glendaliz Camacho and Grace Sobrenome’s panel on applying to residencies — and was inspired  by Pamela Redmond Satran‘s talk about pursuing a diverse writing career. A big thank you to the Bindercon LA organizers — Leigh Stein, Kima Jones, Andrea Guevara, and many others for putting all of this together.

I’m on a Flash Sequence panel at AWP on April 1

Nothing to Declare: A Guide to the Flash Sequence.Coming to the AWP Conference in Los Angeles? Wake up early and come to the flashiest panel of the weekend: The Flash Sequence: A Reading and Discussion. I’ll be one of the panelists, reading fiction and discussing tiny works of prose —

What: The Flash Sequence: A Reading and Discussion at AWP Conference
When: Friday, April 1, 2016, 9 am – 10:15 am
Where: Los Angeles Convention Center (Room 406 AB, Meeting Room Level), Los Angeles

The panel was born out of the just-published flash sequence anthology Nothing to Declare, which contains a story of mine. The other panelists — Sonia Greenfield (Boy with a Halo at the Farmer’s Market), Irena Praitis (Straws and Shadows), and Jenn Koiter — also have work in the anthology. Debra Marquart (The Horizontal World: Growing Up Wild in the Middle of Nowhere) will moderate.

Please come by and say hello — and if you’re free the Thursday night before this panel, join me at the Best of the West Reading.

I’m Reading at Villain’s Tavern on March 31

The AWP Conference is coming to Los Angeles in a couple weeks, along with a crush of literary panels, readings, and other shenanigans happening both on and offsite. I’m on a panel at the actual conference (more on that later) but the night before that happens, I hope you’ll come hear me read some of my new fiction at an offsite reading:

What: Best of the West Reading (AWP Conference offsite event)
When: Thursday, March 31, 2016, 6 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: Villain’s Tavern, 1356 Palmetto St, Los Angeles

The event’s presented by The Los Angeles Review, Pacifica Literary Review, and Cutbank! I’ll be reading with Corinne Manning (founding editor of The James Franco Review), Madgalawit Makonnen, Jeff Walt, William Camponovo, Catherine Pond, Daniel Riddle Rodriguez, and Caleb Tankersley.

Hope to see you there — and say hello when I see you at AWP!

A Story in an anthology — Nothing to Declare

Nothing to Declare: A Guide to the Flash Sequence.What is a flash sequence? Imagine a series of flash fiction pieces that connect and build on each other — though really, you could also imagine a string of prose poems too, or a sequence of tiny creative non fiction pieces, or a regular short story broken up into little sections —

Whatever your definition, I recommend that you pick up a new anthology — Nothing to Declare: A Guide to the Flash Sequence. New from White Pine Press, this handsome anthology imagines and reimagines tiny prose pieces and their connections and disjunctions.

Plus — one of my pieces is in the anthology! The story, “The Locust of Desire,” was originally published in ZYZZYVA.

And don’t miss all the other wonderful work. There are too many great pieces to mention them all, but here are lines from a few to whet your appetite:

>> Nin Andrews: “As if snow were falling inside each one of us, and no one would make it stop.”

>> Jim Ruland: “We’re going to need Cuban cigars and Italian espresso. Definitely champagne. Possibly lube.”

>> Jenn Koiter: “There was always a good Ken and a bad Ken. Always a bad Ken. The bad Ken is necessary.”

>> Bob Thurber: “She had a wide mouth overcrowded with perfectly straight teeth and a tongue like an angry snake.”

Thank you to Robert Alexander, Eric Braun, and Debra Marquart, editors of the anthology.

Pick up Nothing to Declare at Perseus — and come to our flash sequence panel at AWP! More about that soon —

See you at Bindercon LA March 19 and 20

Bindercon LA — a conference and community for women and gender non‑conforming writers — happens this weekend!

Get a ticket to hear from writers ranging from Jillian Lauren to Lisa Kudrow, pitch your writing to agents and publishers, and participate in networking sessions. And come to the “How to Build a Writing Community” panel– moderated by myself.


What: How to Build a Writing Community at Bindercon LA
When: Saturday, March 19 at 2 pm
Where: UCLA campus, in Carnesale Commons

Joining me on the panel are Michelle Franke of The Rattling Wall and Pen Center USA, Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo of Women Who Submit, Neelanjana Banerjee of Kaya Press, and poet Lauren Eggert-Crowe.

Hope to see you there —

Vermin on the Mount reading in Highland Park, Feb. 19

Thanks to everyone who came out to Highland Park for Vermin on the Mount!

From left to right: Rebecca Gonzales, Josh Stallings, Scot Sothern, Kevin Moffett, and Siel Ju at Vermin on the Mount at Book Show, Highland Park, Los Angeles, Feb. 19, 2016
From left to right: Rebecca Gonzales, Josh Stallings, Scot Sothern, Kevin Moffett, and Siel Ju at Vermin on the Mount at Book Show, Highland Park, Los Angeles, Feb. 19, 2016

Special thanks to Jim Ruland for hosting — and to photographer and writer Scot Sothern, Kevin Moffett (Permanent Visitors), Josh Stallings (Young Americans), and Rebecca Gonzales for sharing their work —

Jim Ruland and Siel Ju at Vermin on the Mount at Book Show, Highland Park, Los Angeles, Feb. 19, 2016
Jim Ruland and Siel Ju at Vermin on the Mount at Book Show, Highland Park, Los Angeles, Feb. 19, 2016

Happy belated Valentine’s Day!